Monografie di Mesopomia

Monografie di Mesopomia

Director: Carlo Lippolis

The series Monografie di Mesopotamia, published by the CRAST, contains monographs on important ancient eastern archaeological topics.

Seleucia al Tigri. Le terrecotte figurate dagli scavi italiani e americani

R. MENEGAZZI, Seleucia al Tigri. Le terrecotte figurate dagli scavi italiani e americani, in tre volumi (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XVI), Firenze, 2014.

The work, in three volumes, collects around 11,000 terracotta figurines that were brought to light throughout the last century at Seleucia on the Tigris. Such a large corpus grew with time thanks to the efforts of two archaeological expeditions, the American mission of the University of Michigan and the Italian mission of the CRAST. Its comprehensive presentation allows us to fully appreciate the rich informative potential of the Seleucian figurines. The book opens with an overview – both in Italian and in English – on the characteristics of the coroplastic production from Seleucia: techniques of manufacturing, iconography, style, chronology, function and meaning of the figurines are taken into consideration. The catalogue that follows is organized on a typological basis and is divided into four sections according to the finding areas of the figurines. The abundant photographic documentation illustrates over two third of the published materials.

The Sennacherib wall reliefs at Nineveh

C. LIPPOLIS (ed.), The Sennacherib wall reliefs at Nineveh (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XV), Firenze, 2011.

Between summer and fall 2002 a team of experts of the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro of the Italian Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, in cooperation with the CRAST, conducted a detailed diagnostic campaign on the state of preservation of the reliefs left in situ in the royal suite of the Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh. Petrografic analyses and studies of the materials were made, and new photographs were taken, in order to plan the most appropriate conservative and protective measures. Unfortunately, the outbreak of war in March 2003 made impossible to start the work of conservation. The volume presents the documentation produced during the above mentioned campaign: the photographs provide a complete illustration of the set of reliefs and record a state of preservation that the last conflicts have deeply altered and compromised.

Un impaziente desiderio di scorrere il mondo

C. LIPPOLIS, S. DE MARTINO (eds.), Un impaziente desiderio di scorrere il mondo. Studi in onore di Antonio Invernizzi per il suo settantesimo compleanno (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XIV), Firenze, 2011.

Former professor of Near Eastern Art and Archaeology at the University of Turin, Antonio Invernizzi has been Scientific Director of the CRAST, and President of the same institution until 2010. Currently, he is Professor Emeritus of the University of Turin and a member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. The volume, issued on the occasion of his seventienth birthday, collects several contributions inspired to the main areas of interest of his rich and manifold scientific activity.

Seleucia al Tigri. Il monumento di Tell ‘Umar. Lo scavo e le fasi architettoniche

V. MESSINA, Seleucia al Tigri. Il monumento di Tell 'Umar. Lo scavo e le fasi architettoniche (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XIII), Firenze, 2010.

The second final report of the Italian excavations at Seleucia on the Tigris focuses on Tell ‘Umar, the main mound of the site. The study of the stratigraphy and the architectural remains allows the Author to recognize the ruined mudbrick substructures of a theatre, overlooking the main agora of the city in the Seleucid and Parthian times and connected with a small Mesopotamian temple.

Nisa partica. I rhyta ellenistici

E. PAPPALARDO, Nisa partica. I rhyta ellenistici (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XII), Firenze, 2010.

This book focuses on the whole corpus of carved ivory rhytons discovered by the Complex Archaeological Expedition in Southern Turkmenistan (JuTAKE) in the so-called Square House of Parthian Nisa. The Author carefully analyzes the iconography and style of the carvings and proposes new interpretations on the origin and function of these remarkable objects, which can be considered as on of the most outstanding example of the eastern Hellenistic art.

Nisa partica. Le sculture ellenistiche

A. INVERNIZZI, Nisa partica. Le sculture ellenistiche (Monografie di Mesopotamia, XI), Firenze, 2008.

The Complex Archaeological Expedition in Southern Turkmenistan (Južno-Turkmenistanskaja Arheologiceskaja Kompleksnaja Ekspedicija), also known as JuTAKE, brought to light a number of important documents regarding the art of Parthian Nisa. This book collect all the fragments of marble statues known so far and filed by the Author in the National Museum of Ashgabat. These are precious evidences of the cultural interrelations originated in Asia after the adventure of Alexander.

La Maalga e i Porti Punici di Cartagine. Una città e il suo territorio dalla fondazione fenicia alla dominazione romana

E. PANERO (ed.), La Maalga e i Porti Punici di Cartagine. Una città e il suo territorio dalla fondazione fenicia alla dominazione romana (Monografie di Mesopotamia, X), Firenze, 2008.

The book presents the results of researches conducted in the Maalga and Punic Ports areas of Carthage. The field-work report is enriched with the contributions of experts on geophysics, topography and town-planning, producing a rich and various documentation.

Nisa Partica. Ricerche nel complesso monumentale arsacide 1990-2006

A. INVERNIZZI, C. LIPPOLIS (eds.), Nisa Partica. Ricerche nel complesso monumentale arsacide 1990-2006 (Monografie di Mesopotamia, IX), Firenze, 2008.

In 1990 the archaeological mission of the CRAST started the archaeological activities in Old Nisa, one of the most ancient and significant foundations of the Arsacid dynasty. The book contains the final report of the excavations carried out from 1990 to 2006, also including the results of the studies and analyses made on the materials brought to light.

Seleucia al Tigri. L’edificio degli archivi

V. MESSINA, Seleucia al Tigri. L’edificio degli archivi (Monografie di Mesopotamia, VIII), Firenze, 2006.

This is the first final report of the results of the Italian excavations at Seleucia on the Tigris. It concerns the Seleucid Archives-building brought to light on the western side of the main agora and the dwelling structures built on its remains after it was destroyed by a huge fire.

An Endangered Cultural Heritage. Iraqi Antiquities Recovered in Jordan

R. MENEGAZZI (ed.), An Endangered Cultural Heritage. Iraqi Antiquities Recovered in Jordan (Monografie di Mesopotamia, VII), Firenze, 2005.

The volume presents some important archaeological materials – cuneiform tablets, figurines, glass and pottery vessels, ivories, metal objects - smuggled out of Iraq and recovered by the Jordanian customs and police Authorities between 2003 and 2004.

Séleucie du Tigre, Les monnaies séleucides et parthes

G. LE RIDER, Séleucie du Tigre, Les monnaies séleucides et parthes (Monografie di Mesopotamia, VI, Missione Italiana in Iraq, I), Firenze, 1998.

The Author presents in this volume the publication of the Seleucid and Parthian coin findings by the Italian Archaeological Mission at Seleucia on the Tigris and a reconsideration of the findings of the American Expedition of the Michigan University in the same site.

In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity

A. INVERNIZZI, In the Land of the Gryphons. Papers on Central Asian Archaeology in Antiquity (Monografie di Mesopotamia, V), Firenze, 1995.

The volume contains a number of studies on the art and archaeology of Central Asia in antiquity, attracting the attention onto several aspects of the history and culture of regions such as Parthia, Margiana, Bactria, Sogdia and Gandhara, within the complex phenomenon of the diffusion of Hellenism in Asia and its interrelations with Oriental cultures.

The Seleucid and Parthian terracotta figurines from Babylon

K. KARVONEN-KANNAS, The Seleucid and Parthian terracotta figurines from Babylon (Monografie di Mesopotamia, IV), Firenze, 1995.

The Author analyses the ensemble of the Seleucid and Parthian terracotta figurines from Babylon preserved in the Iraq Museum, the British Museum and the Louvre Museum, pointing out the iconographic and stylistic features of this production within the general production of figurines in Seleucid and Parthian Mesopotamia.

The Sasanian Manor House at Hajiabad, Iran

M. AZARNOUSH, The Sasanian Manor House at Hajiabad, Iran (Monografie di Mesopotamia, III), Firenze, 1994.

The volume contains a detailed report of the salvage excavation of a large architectural compound of the Sasanian period in Fars, the study of the structures of the palace, their sculptural and pictorial decorations, and the pottery findings.

Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project

R.H. DYSON, S.M. HOWARD, Tappeh Hesar. Reports of the Restudy Project – 1976 (Monografie di Mesopotamia, II), Firenze, 1989.

In 1976 The University of Philadelphia and the University of Turin, in cooperation with the Iranian Centre for Archaeological research, organized a reconnaissance campaign on the site of Tappeh Hesar in NE Iran which had been investigated in 1931-32 by the Expedition of the University of Philadelphia. An archaeological, geomorphological and ecological surface survey and sounding for the control of the stratigraphy have been carried out.

The Parthian Rhytons of Nisa

M.E. MASSON, G.A. PUGACHENKOVA, The Parthian Rhytons of Nisa (Monografie di Mesopotamia, I), Firenze, 1982.

The discovery of about forty decorated ivory rhyta in the Square House of Parthian Nisa (Turkmenistan) represents the most extraordinary result of the archaeological mission which opened a key region of Soviet Central Asia to the archaeological research and revealed significant evidence of the Arsacid court. The volume is the translation of the work published in 1956-1959 in which the authors analyzed the complex of iconographic themes of this highly original corpus of documents.