Historical archive
In its sixty-year activity in the Middle East, Asia, and the Mediterranean, the CRAST has produced documentation of significant scientific value, consisting of photographs, plans, field notebooks, drawings, forms, and multimedia content. These materials are currently stored at the headquarters of the organisation in Piazza Statuto 10 in Turin.
The photographic archive is particularly rich, consisting of over 250000 analog and digital photographs, predominantly of archaeological and art historical subjects, which keep record of over half a century of research carried out in Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Lebanon, Mongolia, Pakistan, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkmenistan. In order to ensure the preservation and accessibility of this heritage, the CRAST has joined the project for the Census of Photographic Collections in Italy, coordinated by CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography and promoted by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and by the ICCD – Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation.
Thje CRAST welcomes cooperation with Italian and foreign scholars who operate within the same areas of interest as the organisation. Within this framework, it is possible to request access to the archive and digital reproduction of photographic material and documentation owned by the organisation. To forward a request for the digitised documentation, please fill out the form below and send it to the email address: direzione@centroscavitorino.it.