Researches on Ancient Near East and Egypt. Seminar of epigraphic and archaeological sources on Ancient Near East and Egypt.

Within the series of seminars organized by the Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts of the University of Florence (SAGAS), Professor Lippolis (University of Turin, President of the CRAST) and Professor De Martino (University of Turin, Scientific Director of the CRAST) will give two lectures about the recent archaeological and epigraphic investigations on the Ancient Near East.
Professor De Martino will give a lecture entitled "The emergence of the kingdom of Mittani and the phases of its territorial expansion" (20/04/2023, 3:00 pm, Room 11, via Capponi 9); Professor Lippolis will give a lecture entitled “An unexpected journey. The researches of the Italian archaeological expedition (CRAST-UNITO) at Tulūl al-Baqarat, Iraq” (27/04/2023, 3:00 pm. Room 2, via Alfani 56/b).
Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts (SAGAS), University of Florence.