Conference EVOA. Ancient Egypt and the Near East.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the 18th and 19th of June 2024, the EVOA conference ( Ancient Egypt and the Near East) will be held at Turin, at the Aula Magna and Aula Principi d’Acaja of the Rettorato dell’Università di Torino (Via Verdi 8, starting from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm).
Francesco Barsacchi, Stefano de Martino, Elena Devecchi, Paolo Gallo, Christian Greco, Guglielmo Inglese, Carlo Lippolis, Alessandro Mengozzi, Vito Messina, Massimiliano Nuzzolo, Alessio Palmisano, Adriano Rossi and Maurizio Viano are the members of the Scientific Committee
The speakers of the plenary session (on Tuesday, starting from 2.00 pm in the Aula Magna) are Adelheid Otto (“Can and Should there be more Fieldwork in Western Asia in the 21st Century? Current Research Issues of Near Eastern Archaeology”), Vincent Rondot (“Turin Prov . 749" - Un rare et nouveau tableau peint de l’Égypte romaine représentant un personnage divinisé”) and Dominique Charpin (“Epigraphy at Larsa (Tell Sinkereh) as Part of a Multidisciplinary Project: Fieldwork since 2019”).
The participants' speeches are divided into thematic sessions: Landscapes and settlement models, Material culture and iconography, Archaeological and iconographic projects and research, History economy and society, Language and writing, Hellenism and Late Antiquity, Religion and worship.