Conference: “Beyond Macedonia: the multifaceted Hellenistic Oikoumene reconsidered”
19 | 05 | 2022
Aigai, 27th May – 2nd June 2022
Professors C. Lippolis and V. Messina participate in the Scientific International Conference entitled “Beyond Macedonia: the multifaceted Hellenistic Oikoumene reconsidered”, focused on the main studies of landscape, society and architecture and on the artistic and cultural analysis of the Hellenistic world. Professors present two speeches based on the case studies of Seleucia on the Tigris (Prof. V. Messina, “Greek visual lexica in Asia. Diffusion and Elaboration. The case of Seleucia on the Tigris”) and Nisa (Prof. C. Lippolis, “The Greek visual lexicon in Asia. Elaboration and fascination. The case of Parthian Nisa (Turkmenistan)”).